
Description of Design

  • 大运品牌与运城有着极深的渊源,运城是一个具有5000年文明历史的城市,是中华民族的祖先舜帝的诞生地和武圣关公的故里,是中国最具魅力的十大城市之一,自古便有“诚信之邦,大运之城”之称,因此“大运”俨然成为一个城市的名片。 大运又见证着山西改革开放和快速发展、贯穿山西省南北的大运高速公路,取意于这条象征着山西省发展速度的南北大动脉,“大运”又是一个欣欣向荣的内陆省份的名片。 “大运”是中华民族美好的向往,是中华民族悠久历史文明的积淀,千百年来人们渴望美好的运气降临其身,大者,多也,大运相伴,必有美好的明天,大运是亿万人民对美好生活的憧憬,因此“大运”更是一个民族的追求。 Yuncheng is a city with a civilization history of 5000 years, the birthplace of Emperor Shun, the ancestor of the Chinese nation and the hometown of Wu Shengguan, is one of the ten most charming cities in China, has been known as "the state of integrity, the city of Great Luck" since ancient times, so "Great Luck" has become a city's business card. The Universiade also witnessed the reform and opening up and rapid development of Shanxi Province, and the Universiade Expressway running through the north and south of Shanxi Province, taking the meaning of this north-south artery symbolizing the development speed of Shanxi Province, "Universiade" is also a business card of a thriving inland province. "Great Luck" is the beautiful yearning of the Chinese nation, is the accumulation of the Chinese nation's long history and civilization, for thousands of years, people yearn for good luck to come to their body, great luck, more also, accompanied by great luck, there will be a better tomorrow, great luck is the vision of hundreds of millions of people for a better life, so "great luck" is the pursuit of a nation.